We bring safety training to life deliver extraordinary forums build cyber resilience challenge risk management enliven and engage your workforce produce live theatre workshops create docufilms and mini series

ACT Australia|NZ delivers premium workforce development through engaging theatre and film to inspire the creation of safer working environments.

Theatre Based Safety and Risk Training for Impact


“Susan and her team’s ability to assist in the design, preparation and delivery of our safety cultural event made it highly successful."

VPHSSE Oil & Gas

“ACT Australia’s approach to communication and engagement is quite unique due to their application of a range of methods/ modes of communication.”

CEOCommonwealth Regulator ARPANSA

“Deepwater was excellent in that it involved everyone and with Susan's facilitation drew a lot of reflection and discussion. It hits home what we as a function are all about.”

State RegulatorMajor Hazards

“This form of communication, message delivery gained high levels of understanding and acceptance of how our safety actually plays out in a work setting and the choices we have to influence the outcomes.”

ParticipantTraining Forum

“We estimated 90% of the site numbers attended yesterday. This is huge effort. Thanks for being flexible and managing the demands of trying to engage a very large workforce in a short space of time.”

Senior Safety ManagerOil & Gas

“The Nimrod safety play is a unique and clever way to tease out important safety lessons.”

Charles Haddon CaveQC

“We have found the performances from ACT extraordinarily useful and valuable. To this contributes the quality of the script, the excellent performance of the actors, and Ms Flemings’s thought- provoking and careful guidance through the subjects, dilemmas, alternative decisions, perceptions and managements issues.”

CEO Commonwealth RegulatorARPANSA

“The feedback from the ARPANSA staff conference was overwhelmingly positive and the evaluation forms identified a number of ‘key lessons learned’ around security, communication, behaviour and management that were directly inspired by ACT’s performance.”

CEO Commonwealth RegulatorARPANSA

THE SLIP: ‘What Good Looks Like’

A Theatre Experience for Safety

2024 Feedback

“Insightful, significant, powerful. A great way to show how a psychologically safe workplace helps manage all risks.”

“The topic is very relevant to this industry and deserves more attention!”

“Great way to share a story and get full engagement from the audience. Best I’ve seen in my 24 years of mining.”

“This needs to be shared more throughout the industry. It is very important to actually see, physically, what a safe workplace is and what to strive to achieve.”

“The focus on respectful open communication was a big value add. Powerful. Well delivered and realistic presentation. Great key messages taken away”



99.5% Found value in learning about stories of safety culture and leadership through live theatre storytelling

99.3% of all participants believe they can apply lessons from The SLIP to their workplace.

97% of all Participants found The SLIP relevant to their workplace


This is a story for the mining industry, originally commissioned by the Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety (MARS) Program.

What is 'The Slip'?

‘THE SLIP’, an amazing story of challenge and bravery shows us what good looks like in an industry subject to high risk. Based on the incredible story of the Bingham Canyon Mine pit slip and brought to life in a stage play with provoking, interactive facilitation.



The program explores work health and safety fundamentals including safety culture, psychosocial, physical hazards and critical controls.

2024 Filmed HighlightsEnquiries Here

Why industrial theatre?

Nothing compares to the strength of live performance in making a distinct impact on viewers’ perception. The total emotional involvement in what is experienced in the theatre room translates to a deeper and more permanent grasp of the safety and cyber security issues being addressed.

Commitment from the power of interaction.

Theatre has the power to change your people and your culture. It can help to build trust through audience interaction and the dynamic emotive-cognitive experience.

100% engagement

Our productions speak to your workforce. Your people will recognise themselves in the characters and situations portrayed. This most effective form of communication attains maximum attention from participants.

Bringing imagined scenarios to life.

Maximise the ability to explore impossible boundaries through professional research, scripting and performance production that can immerse workers in extreme risk scenarios.

ACT Australia|NZ is a leader in the field of theatre-based learning and development and our exclusive licence with AKT Productions (UK), gives us access to a 70+ portfolio of proven and reputable theatre-based works that provide world best-practice material for your workforce or team.

Our ability to train your workforce is evident in bespoke work we have created for Defence, rail, oil and gas, aviation, mining – and the data captured from surveys pre and post interventions. We offer programs and bespoke work across industry that shows what good looks like in safety.

ACT’s inclusive culture ensures we use team members who resonate with all audiences to build local and regional business capability and to deliver your safety message with impact.

We contribute to ensuring local labour forces are skilled and able to take up opportunities in WA as part of our commitment to supplying local content and multi-region procurement for our partners.

Together, we can develop your leaders and enable your workforce to assume safety and risk responsibility. To find out more about how ACT Australia can assist, call us on 08 9381 3802 or just complete our Needs Analysis Form as a starting point.

We will contact you to make a time for a discussion.

Why industrial theatre?

Nothing compares to the strength of live performance in making a distinct impact on viewers’ perception. The total emotional involvement in what is experienced in the theatre room translates to a deeper and more permanent grasp of the safety and risk issues being addressed.

Read More

Commitment from the power of interaction.

Theatre has the power to change your people and your culture. It can help to build trust through audience interaction and the dynamic emotive-cognitive experience.

100% engagement

Our productions speak to your workforce. Your people will recognise themselves in the characters and situations portrayed. This most effective form of communication attains maximum attention from participants.

Bringing imagined scenarios to life.

Maximise the ability to explore impossible boundaries through professional research, scripting and performance production that can immerse workers in extreme risk scenarios.

Our Productions

We create a world where our clients can explore all areas of Leadership and Culture, Human Factors, Safety Behaviours, Risk Management and Safety Conversations. We have over 70 productions, many based on researched case studies.
