Flight Risk

Production Breakdown


A radio announcer invites us to consider the changes in the weather when unseasonal bushfires demand immediate resources. This bushfire, a kite entanglement, short-staffed teams, challenging people and equipment are stretching the team dynamics in the organisation’s frontline in the southwest.

We join the team as they prepare to manage the risks of seemingly minor tasks and meet the needs of the corporation’s public response as well as their schedule already under threat of missing deadlines.

Through the eyes of the Area Manager, the Team Leader, Field Supervisors and a couple of relative newbies, we also understand the impact of psychosocial safety when behaviours lead to team members requesting to change teams – or are asked to change teams.

Priorities that could have had more successful critical conversations seemed run of the mill on the day and the devastating results just so possible to avoid.


Anthony: Take an EWP. How long have you worked here?

Rosko: An EWP? You’ve “co-ordinated” them all off with Alex down south to the fire. There’s only a couple cheap-o 10 meters left.

Anthony: Our company does not buy “cheap-o” equipment.

Rosko: Not officially, mate, no. Ask a couple of field guys.

Anthony: A 10 meter is all you’re going to need – it’s a kite, mate, not a Boeing.

Rosko: They’re not fit for purpose.

Anthony: Oh, give me a break, Rosko. They’re perfectly fit for this purpose. The 18 meter would crack the footpath anyway. Have you any idea how much crap I have to deal with regarding cracked footpaths?



Critical Infrastructure

Target Audience

Suitable for leaders and operational workforce across infrastructure industries.

Key Themes

Physical and mental fatigue

Safety Culture

Team Dynamics

Critical Safety Risks

Safety Conversations

Perceived Pressure

Safety Leadership
